Coordinated by the Department of State's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), non-proliferation sanctions are imposed under various legal authorities against foreign individuals, private entities, and governments that engage in proliferation activities.
Proliferation activities that are the target of sanctions include chemical and biological weapons activity, certain missile activity, transfers of lethal military equipment and nuclear technology.
ISN's mission is to prevent the spread of WMD, delivery systems, and advanced conventional weapons capabilities — and rolling back such proliferation where it has already taken root. In close collaboration with other bureaus within the State Department, other U.S. agencies, and a diverse range of international and non-governmental partners, ISN tracks, develops, and implements effective responses to proliferation threats and shapes the international security environment to prevent their recurrence. Although often led by, coordinated by, or driven by ISN, the sanctions are maintained by Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control on their SDN list.