Name only: The score reflects how close your search is to a watchlist name. We display all scores between 50 and 100.
ID only: An ID score can only be 0 or 100. We have two reasons for this:
IDs are static. Unlike names or addresses, there is no ID abbreviation, no ID nickname, and no ID alternative spelling. An ID has to be exact to be correct.
Preventing a flood of false positives. IDs are generally composed of numbers (0-9) and letters (A-Z). This means that any one space in an ID can be filled by at least 36 different characters. If we ensure that character order is important, but allow one character change for every ID search, an ID that is six characters long would have a minimum of 210 options that match.
Location only: The location field allows you to search for any terms that may be found in location data i.e. address or place-of-birth. This can include street address, postal code, city, region country name etc. Here matching is fuzzy and can be off by a few characters depending on the length of the term.