Every 5 minutes, we check the data on the sites of the UN, EU, US Treasury OFAC and others. If an issuing source changes their data those updates will be reflected on Castellum.AI within 5 minutes. If the below changes occur, users can see the new data on the Castellum.AI platform within five minutes of an update from the data source:
- New data is added
- Existing data is removed
- Existing data is modified
The only exceptions are if the source data is inaccessible or if updated data is corrupted. If the source, for example, UK OFSI, is inaccessible, usually due to maintenance, but potentially due to other reasons like cyber attack, it will be inaccessible to everyone globally, and we will be able to get new data within 5 minutes of it being online. If the new data is corrupted, we will reach out to the government and alert them of the error we found. Castellum.AI is in regular contact with list source authorities globally and is able to alert them to errors almost immediately.